Our advanced interactive precipitation map displays current and historical wet weather conditions across the United States. The map uses color-coded regions to indicate precipitation intensity, allowing you to quickly visualize where the heaviest precipitation is occurring. From urban centers to rural landscapes, the map provides detailed information. Need to know what’s happening between Portland and Nashville? Checking on conditions near your farm? Our map offers unparalleled temporal resolution, displaying precipitation accumulations from the last hour all the way back to 120 hours (5 days) – a feature rarely found in other weather visualizations. Using keyboard navigation or assistive technology, you can select any location to access detailed precipitation metrics, including intensity, accumulation, and time of occurrence.
Use the slider below to adjust opacity. Click anywhere on the map for a rainfall estimate.
Data collected using Doppler radar polarimeteric technology are objectively analyzed by complex precipitation algorithms to produce very accurate estimates of accumulated precipitation at each grid point. Our maps will display on any modern mobile device, including smartphones and tablets*, though you may notice a better visual presentation and optimal performance from a desktop computer.
Detailed Map 24hr to 72hr Rainfall Purpose
The value of this precipitation data: This resource is valuable for a variety of users. For instance, bike associations can use it to optimize event scheduling, ensuring safe and enjoyable rides. Knowing the precise precipitation forecast is crucial for planning outdoor events. Educators can illustrate meteorological concepts with real-time data, making complex topics more accessible. Real-time precipitation data can bring abstract weather concepts to life. Local governments can utilize it for flood preparedness and resource allocation, protecting communities from potential hazards. Accurate and timely precipitation information is essential for effective disaster management. Agricultural professionals can leverage it for irrigation management, planting decisions, and livestock care, maximizing efficiency and minimizing risk. Precipitation data is a key input for agricultural decision-making. And travelers can use it to plan their journeys effectively, minimizing disruptions due to inclement weather. Checking the precipitation forecast can help travelers avoid delays and hazardous conditions.
Our interactive precipitation map displays detailed insights into precipitation patterns. Explore the data and discover its potential. For more in-depth analysis of past precipitation trends, our rainfall data page offers comprehensive historical records on all cities such as Dallas and Atlanta. To compare current precipitation levels across different areas, our comparative rainfall map page provides real-time data for various locations. We also offer information on drought monitoring for those interested in drought conditions. Browse our related resources to further your understanding of precipitation dynamics.